Exit Survey
Girl Scouts River Valleys Survey for Adult Volunteers

We are looking for your feedback regarding use of River Valleys facilities including service centers and outdoor program properties . Your responses to the questions that follow will help River Valleys create a property plan that best supports our membership across the council.

The following questions are about the types of outdoor adventures and camp Girl Scouts River Valleys members enjoy.
Please consider your knowledge and experience as a Girl Scout volunteer as you respond to the questions that follow.
What is your volunteer position? (Select all that apply)
Troop Leader
Service Unit Team Volunteer
Day Camp Director
Day Camp Volunteer (other than director)
Troop Helper
Troop Cookie Manager
Other volunteer role

In your volunteer role, what Girl Scout Program Grade Level do you work with most of the time? If you work with more than one troop, please select the level of your YOUNGEST troop.
What city do you live in?
Tell us a little about your outdoor and camp experiences
What types of outdoor activities have you participated in as an ADULT? (Check all that apply)
Camping with my family
Camping with my Girl Scout troop
Girl Scout Day Camp
Non-Girl Scout Day Camp
Girl Scout Service Unit encampment/event
Girl Scout Resident (overnight) Camp
Non-Girl Scout Resident (overnight) Camp
I have not participated in any of the activities above

If none, would you like to go camping? (check one answer)
Maybe/Not sure
Which of the following local Girl Scout Camp locations have your gone to? (Select all that apply)
Camp Elk River
Camp Lakamaga
Camp Northwoods
Camp Singing Hills
Camp Whispering Hills
Camp Lockeslea
Edith Mayo Program Center
Sagata Troop House

In your opinion, what types of activities would girls like to do at Girl Scouts River Valleys offer at day and resident camp?
High interest Medium interest Low interest No interest
Swimming in a lake
Swimming in a pond
Arts, Crafts, & Drama
Orienteering or Geocaching
Horse activities
Boating (like canoeing, kayaking, or sailing)
Winter sports (like cross country skiing, snowshoeing, or ice skating)
Adventure activities (like high/low ropes, or challenge course)
Science & Technology activities
Any additional suggestions for activities at River Valleys' camps?
What length of session would the girls that you work with prefer to attend?
1-2 days 3-5 days 1 week 2 weeks
Day Camp
Resident (Overnight) Camp
What are the 3 most important experiences for girls to have at camp? (Choose up to 3 responses)
Gain leadership skills
Gain independence
Increase self-esteem
Learn ways to respect and care for the environment
Learn to get along with other girls
Improve teamwork skills
Make new friends
Learn new skills/Try new things
Have fun

Currently, River Valleys camp fees cover 50% of total camp costs. The other 50% of the cost is subsidized by the council.
If a sliding scale was set for camp fees, do you think most parents would be willing to pay more than the minimum fee if they were able?
For example, sliding fee scale options for the same camp might be:
$100 (River Valleys subsidizes $100 of camp cost)
$150 (River Valleys subsidizes $50 of camp cost)
$200 (No subsidy on the part of River Valleys)

Not sure
Check the reasons why you think girls that you work with don't go to camp: (Select all that apply)
They're not interested in the programs offered
Camp is too far away
Girls don't like the outdoors
Camp facilities are not what girls want
Girls are not ready to be away from home
Their friends don't go
They don't have transportation to camp
They're too busy with other activities

What types of sleeping accommodations would the girls you work with prefer at camp? (Check one answer per row)
Highly prefer No opinion/neutral Would not like this
Dorm/ troop houses
Year-round cabins (heated)
Seasonal cabins (unheated)
Platform tents
What type of rest rooms and shower facilities would the girls you work with prefer at camp?
Highly prefer No opinion/neutral Would not like this
Bathrooms with flush toilets for each group of buildings/unit
Bathrooms with Pit toilets/latrines for each group of buildings/unit
Central shower house for the whole camp
Shower house for each unit
Bathroom and showers in each cabin or dorm building
Have you (or your troop/service unit) ever rented a Girl Scout property?
How important are each of the following when choosing a facility to rent for your troop or service unit?
Important Somewhat Important Not important No opinion
Distance from your home/travel time
Previous experience at the site
Cost to rent
Number of people that can be accommodated at the site
Sleeping accommodations available (cabin, troop house, platform tent)
Restrooms & shower facilities
Food preparation and dining facilities
Program activities available at the site
What type of food preparation and dining facilities would you prefer when using a River Valleys camp property with your troop or service unit
Highly prefer No opinion/neutral Would not like this
Cooking on open fire in units
Cooking on BBQ or gas grill in unit
Basic kitchen as part of unit/cabin/building
Use of full service kitchen and dining hall
Food service provided by camp
How far are you willing to travel to a River Valleys camp? (Choose one)
up to 1 hour
1-2 hours
2-3 hours
3-4 hours
Does not matter
How valuable are each of the following program spaces for council to provide to its members? (Check one answer per row
Very valuable Somewhat valuable Neutral Not very valuable L N/A
Troop Camping
Service Unit encampment/ Service Unit events
Day camp
Resident camp
Council event location
Family camping
What features do you think would improve member experiences at River Valleys council sites?(Select all that apply)
More cabins for indoor housing
Bathrooms and showers attached to existing cabins
Expanded capacity to serve larger Service Units/ more girls at a time
Cell phone coverage
Wi-Fi access
Additional or improved cooking facilities in the units
Additional programs or activities.

Other comments or ideas about how council sites could better serve girls?
In the past 12 months, how many times have you visited a Girl Scouts River Valleys' service center location for the following reasons?
0 times 1 time 2 times 3 or more times
Some other reason
To purchase items from a council shop
To speak with a Girl Scout staff
To borrow/check-out materials (such as program kits, materials, or flags)
How far do you currently travel to visit a River Valleys Shop or service center?
less than 15 miles
16-30 miles
31-50 miles
more than 50 miles
What services or resources are needed at a Service Center to best support Girl Scout members (girls, volunteers, families)?